Car insurance, often known as four-wheeler insurance, is a contract between a vehicle
owner and an insurance provider that protects four-wheelers from financial losses
caused by unanticipated events such as accidents and natural disasters. This contract
is frequently misunderstood as a slip of paper to be stored in the car's dashboard and
only taken out if the traffic police ever ask for paperwork. But wait, there's more!
This article covers the cost of repairing or replacing your four-wheeler in the event
of an accident. When you're on the roads, no matter how cautious you are, there's a
chance you'll get into an accident and have to pay costly repair charges.
There are various types of four-wheeler insurance, such as third-party auto
insurance, which covers you from financial consequences if your covered car causes
damage to a third-party vehicle or property, or injures a third-party or person.
This third-party car insurance policy, often known as a liability only policy,
doesn't somehow cover damages to the insured vehicle. If you wish to drive your
vehicle on the road in India, you must have a valid third-party insurance policy,
according to the Motor Vehicle Act.
A further category of car insurance is comprehensive car insurance, which covers not
only third-party liability but also financial damage to the vehicle caused by
accidents, theft, fire, and natural disasters such as lightning, storms, floods, and
cyclones, as well as man-made damages such as vandalism and riots. That's not all!
You can also get Personal Accident Coverage, which will pay for any injuries or, God
forbid, significant physical damage you sustain in an accident!
You can select between third-party car insurance, comprehensive car insurance, or
even a stand-alone damage coverage when you buy online auto insurance, depending on
your needs.